Seven Reasons to Attend HS University
You have come to the right place
1. You are looking for a degree in ministry from a certified university with a strong accreditation from the top accredited agents in USA and the world.
2. Your schedule requires you to study from home by DISTANCE LEARNING or on-line.
3. You are looking for spiritual, practical and strong academic studies.
4. You are having difficulty finding a good Christian education.
5. You are looking for an affordable Christian Theological University.
6. You are looking to study in Arabic or English language in your home country and graduate from a certified and accredited university.
7. You are looking for Accredited Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in different majors, or even for a non-degree study programs.
Seven Reasons Not to Attend HSU
If you find yourself comes in agreement to any of these statements, you should know that you are in wrong University:
1. If you are not sure that you are born again.
2. If you have no goal to reach out of these studies.
3. If you want to buy a degree and not actually desire Christian education, since you feel you already know everything and have enough experience in ministry.
4. If you do not believe the Bible (Old & New Testament – 66 Books) is the inerrant, authoritative, divinely-inspired Word of God.
5. If you believe not in the church structure as designed by our lord jesus Christ and the early church in the book of Acts.
6. If you feel adversity against some or all the body of Christ (The Universal Church) for they are not agree with your doctrines or they are not belong to your denomination.
7. If you do not believe in the Apostolic Creed: The HSU Affirms the Apostles’ Creed: I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated in the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
What do you expect from HS University?
Dear friends and partners, What we are trying to get you is an academic biblical and practical education through an easy way of teaching method. That is why we are working hard to get full online study through the community of the Holy Spirit University (HSU).
Every time you log-in to HSU Website you will find something new to help you achieve your goal of Christian education. So, we ask you to visit us from time to time and do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
What you can benefit now from HSU Site
1. Learn everything you need about Holy Spirit University (HSU).
2. Answer most of your questions through FAQ section.
3. Apply on line or get hard-copy for of application to be printed.
4. Get and print the full HSU catalog in PDF file.
5. Pay all your financial fees online through the PayPal secure system from your credit card or your bank account.
6. You will enjoy many of our resources from reading and searching the Bible online to chat with your friends and HSU community.
7. You can contact us directly with all your concerns.
8. You can study and earn your degree from Associate to Doctoral degree fully online from your Holy Spirit University.
9. You can study in English or Arabic language online.
10. You can do all your assignments, quizzes and Exams online.
What you will benefit in near future from HSU Site
1. Chat with your HSU community and instructors.
2. You will be able to study using the media technology on line – audio and video conference.
3. And much… much more.
For more info please visit
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. If you have not been offended by any of the above statements, ongratulations! You are a candidate to enroll in Holy Spirit University.