We do believe in the Church organization (one united apostolic church) and we do believe in ordaining PASTORS called from God and consecrated to the ministry of the Word and guardianship. (Acts 14:23) Also, we do believe in ordaining elders to assist the pastor (The Pastor) in the ministry of guardianship and leadership, and the ordaining of deacons for the ministry of leadership with the pastor and the elders. You might see the following verses: (Acts 14:23, 20:17, 1Timothy 5:17, 3:1-13, 2Timothy 1:6, 1Timothy 4:14, Acts 13:2, Deut 34:9, Numb 27:18, Titus 1:5)
We do believe in Sunday School ministry to raise up our children from infancy in the knowledge of God’s Word. (2Timothy 3:14-17)
We do believe that the pastor is the Church’s shepherd he is the leader and the spiritual father to all the members.
We do believe in the importance of tithing to all the local church’s members as God urges the heart of the giver so as to maintain God’s ministry in accordance to. (Malachi 3:7-10)
We do love and pray for every other Christian denomination that believes in the “Apostolic Creed of Faith” and the whole Bible truth, the old and the new testament (66 Books). Moreover, we do rejoice in the Lord when ever God blesses any church in any country, nation or tongue through a spiritual revival. We also don’t talk against any Church or Christian denomination as the Scriptures says: “If I speak in tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinth 13:1-8).
We called our church Central Assembly of God Church for it’s the CHURCH ON AIR”, through Al Kalema TV reaches the whole world with its message of hope to many that has no church at all in different parts in the world.
The Church On Air Finances:
The Church shall be financed according to the Scriptural method by the tithes and offerings of the members and friends of the organization. (Malachi 3:10, Mathew 23:23, Hebrews 7:4-9)
Finally: we do love everybody with Jesus love and we call everyone to Jesus message which is the message of love.
Contact Us
+1 (908) 353 – 3131
Church Direction
Right off Exit 9 on NJ TP – Keep left on Route 18 South, then from NJ TP take exit 9 to East Brunswick then Route 18 South. Go until you find TICES Lane (Dunk’n Donuts Coffee-Right and Starbucks Coffee-Left). Make Right in TICES Lane, go Straight till you find Sunoco Gas station Make Left in RYDERS Lane go straight (you will fined the church on your Right Hand) = There are free plenty of parking right on the premises = Also, we have Sunday School classes for all ages in English, during the church service.
Arabic Assembly of God Church
Central Assembly of God Church
445 Ryders Lane
East Brunswick, NJ, 08816, USA
Phone: (908) 353 – 3131
A Word from Rev. Nabil Asaad
Photos of the church in New Jersey – America

His Birth
Rev. Nabil Asaad is born 1960 in Egypt. He grew up in the midst of a very good Christian family. His father and his mother loved the Lord with all their hearts. And so he was raised up in a Christian family ambiance and grew up according to the spiritual education from infancy.
His Background
Rev. Nabil Asaad grew up with love for God and the church. His parents made sure that he would spend most of his time between the two churches “The Church of Christ” – a charismatic evangelical church and “The Coptic Orthodox Church”. That’s how he grew up on the base of love without favoritism between the different basics Christian denominations Evangelical church with all it’s denominations the Orthodox Church with all it’s denominations and the Catholic Church with all it’s denominations, and that’s what we quote from his sermons, teachings and writings.
He was raised up in an atmosphere full of love and understanding in a middle class family of which he is always proud as it is gifted to him by God. His righteous mother taught him the Lord, the Bible and the church from his childhood. His family background affected every angle and corner of pastor Nabil’s life.
His First Spiritual Experience
التفرقة بين الطوائف المسيحية الأساسية الإنجيلية بكل “I grew up in a Christian godly background and raised in the midst of an attached lovable family. I always felt a spiritual lack and a certain vacuum deep inside. I went on searching through thinking and questioning although I was still a youngster back then. I used to attend regularly the Christ Church and the “Church of Angel”. where we moved to live later on, where I experienced a spiritual experience that took me not only to a new spiritual level but to a spiritual boost that has changed my whole life. In August 26th,1974 while attending a youth meeting in Christ Church (Independent Charismatic Church)and the sermon was about repentance. I remember that when ever I heard about repentance I used to ask myself : “What should I repent for?” till that day and during that sermon when I heard that specific verse of (Psalm 51:5) that’s when I was hit by God’s spirit who revealed to me that I am born in sin and that my nature is shaped in iniquity either I do little or a lot of sins.
And this issue became so vivid before my eyes that I’ve found myself repenting and confessing all my sins big and small during the sermon : ‘ God have mercy on me, I am a sinner ‘ and all of a sudden and while having my eyes closed I had a vision ( more or less like a dream) I saw myself walking in a large dark street surrounded from both side by an extremely high walls. I was running and falling consecutively till I finally saw a light shining from the left wall then I saw a big iron gate through which the light was shining then I saw also iron chains and a big lock all cover with rust and when I tried to look through that iron gate, I saw a small hill topped with three crosses and the cross of the middle was the source of that strong light. It was then when I saw a pierced hand (the savior’s hand) pointing to the gate so the chains broke open the gate wide. So I entered in haste went towards the cross, kneeling there then the scenery disappeared.
This vision had a great impact on me and on the spot I felt an unforgettable feeling of strong joy mixed with security and peace. A joyful serenity that I’ve never experienced before. By the end of that spiritual meeting I was in a state of unbelievable ecstasy. I told then the preacher what happened and he asked me to bow in prayers together and I did, and for the first time I uttered words coming from my heart and I went on in a prayer that lasted more than an hour as if talking to a friend as I had a lot to say to him. On my way back home I felt that every thing has become new everything the street, the houses it was as if I had started a new spiritual trip with God. Back home I went straight to my room, not willing to talk about it with anyone of my family with the exception of my mother. I took my Bible to read God’s word starting with the Book of John chapter one I kept reading the same chapter for almost 3 hours enjoying every bit of it till I’ve learned it by heart.
I’ve Experienced A Deep Change In my Life
First of all my whole style of life has completely changed as I acquired God’s power to do things I couldn’t do before and to abstain from things I couldn’t stop doing with my own power. I acquired a continuous heart feeling of joy, peace, and security. I acquired love for the Holy Scriptures and I developed a certain passion to God’s word along with the love of praying and talking with God. I was filled with a continuous love to all the people. I developed the love to serve God, souls and the church till it became a deep feeling to be a full time minister to the Lord. All the glory is to God and his rich grace that has chosen us to be children of God and servants in his Kingdom Amen.”
His second spiritual experience
Now regarding the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” experience, here it is as he related it in one of his books (The filling of the Holy Spirit). It happened in the middle of the night at an all night-prayer meeting at our church on the 23rd of January, 1975. It was a very cold night and there was no heating in the place. I went off to a corner and I poured out myself before the Lord. I fervently called upon Him with a broken heart asking that He would fill me with the Holy Spirit. My heart’s cry was “Lord … completely fill me with your Spirit”. I was fourteen years and a few months old then. I knew some people who had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit but nobody had sat down with me to explain it to me. The prayer meeting lasted till the morning. The whole group kept praying and praising for over a couple of hours. I did not join them in any of that, I just faced the wall at a corner with one request and that is “Lord, fill me”.
I suddenly felt something filling me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I cannot describe the experience except to say that a beautiful power had filled my whole body. I felt heat filling my body; so much so that I was no longer feeling the winter’s cold but it felt as though it was a summer night. This power lasted for quite a time. It felt so wonderful. I then felt as though some electric power had filled me and a marvelous joy had been poured in my heart. I was aware of what was going on around me. I could hear the voices of those praying and praising around yet I was feeling as though I had entered into another spiritual dimension, or that I had been released completely from out of my body into some heavenly state of existence.
A word then proceeded out from within me flowing over my tongue. I kept repeating it calmly and joyfully for a long while: “hallelujah, hallelujah”. I then felt the same power as though it was concentrated in my head and mouth, my tongue became heavy insofar as uttering anything in my own language, the Arabic language. I felt that I had control over my tongue and over my whole body and was also fully aware of my surroundings as well as of the beauty and sweetness of this power. I became fully surrendered to it and did not want it to depart.
Suddenly a word poured out of my innermost being over my tongue – not from my mind – words which were unintelligible yet I was fully aware that these were real words. They were words in another language. I was being filled with an ecstatic feeling in its repetition (and as I said before I was fully conscious and in total control of myself). I remained in this state for a long time; till morning. An elder brother then came and sat beside me and started praying with me. I was aware of his presence yet I did not open my eyes or cease speaking in this new language since I did not want to be woken up.
I experienced all this without anyone laying their hands over me, and with no one forcing me into doing anything. I experienced what the Bible meant when it said: `be not filled with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18). Hallelujah.
His Education
- He graduated from the Zagazig University, FACULTY OF PHARMACY in Egypt in May 1984.
- Completed his Theological studies and received his DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY IN BIBLICAL STUDIES from FLORIDA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY in 1998
- He earned a DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN PASTORAL CHRISTIAN COUNSELING from FLORIDA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, Orlando, Florida to which he has been appointed Dean of Arabic Students from 2000 – 2004.
- On 2004, founded and became the president/Chancellor of the HOLY SPIRIT UNIVERSITY, Tallahassee, FLORIDA, a recognized university offering accredited degrees in Theology as well as in the Arts, degrees ranging from Diplomas to Doctorate degrees. the only online Theological university that offer these degree in Bi-Lingual (English and Arabic). It’s one of it’s kind.
His Call into Full Time Ministry
After his graduation in 1984 from Pharmacy, Rev. Nabil was asked to preach a three day series of Revival Meetings at the Church of Christ, Ain Shams, Cairo, Egypt. This ministry lasted for six consecutive months of daily revival meetings. Many souls came to a saving knowledge of the Lord during these meetings; many cases of divine healing were witnessed as well as souls delivered from demonic spirits. It was there that he announced his decision of entering into the full time ministry. He then handed in his resignation from the Hospital to which he had been appointed as pharmacist.
How did his calling into the full time Ministry get started?
It started in November of 1979 during his first year of studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy. It was through a special visitation of the Holy Spirit that he was able to discern that the Lord did not want him in the pharmaceutical vocation but into full time ministry of the gospel. This happened on the 23rd November, 1979 when a visiting American Evangelist by the name of Sarah Jean Lauder visited Egypt. She had gifts of preaching, prophecy and healing. That evening the church was full with people seeking to be healed and to hear her preach. She suddenly stopped in the middle of her preaching and started talking in a heavenly language then she called him up from among the congregation, he went up to the pulpit and laying her hands on him she gave a word of prophesy that he will be called into full time ministry. She also specified that the center of that ministry will be in America. She also gave prophetic words over the future of this ministry.
Another Holy Ghost special visitation occurred in 1982. Here it is as it was related in one of his sermons: I was studying one night during my second year of Pharmacy. I grew very tired from studying when at 2:00 am, seated at my desk, I leaned back in my chair. I started thanking the Lord and Praising Him. Suddenly something happened which lasted no more than a few moments but it felt as though it lasted for long hours. It seemed to take place between sleep and wakening (I am not sure if that took place in a dream or weather I was awake). I saw a vision (just like a person sees a dream in his sleep). I saw myself standing in front of the door to our church when there came to me a very ugly looking man. The appearance of his face was frightening. Looking at him I felt pity wanting to offer him help. He instantly revealed to me his violent nature and wanted to attack me. I found myself confronting him and chasing after him; knowing in my vision that this is the devil which has come to war against me. I took off after him chasing him around the streets and around our church building until I overtook him in front of the church. I found a great power in my hands and when I went to strike him over his head I saw that he fell to the ground and shrivelled up into a very tiny object on the ground. I lifted him up with two fingers as though it were a nothing.
I then heard a voice from heaven saying: “Always remember that this is the devil that fights against you. Resist him with steadfast faith and he will flee from you and become like nothing. Use my Name and my blood and you will experience continuous victory. I then lifted my eyes towards heaven and beheld written in letters of light: “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that I have given unto you..There shall not be any man able to stand before you all the days of your life..Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall you divide this land” (Josh 1: 3, 5, 6). I then knew that this was a vision from the Lord regarding my call into the ministry and that God in His grace had intended to use a person like myself. Then in 1984; at the revival meetings which lasted for over six months; the Lord visited me again in my bedroom while I was kneeling in prayer and revealed to me that I was to be set apart from this day on into the full time service of the Lord, who will support me and complete His work in me towards the blessed purpose for which I have been chosen from before the foundation of the world.
How did his ministry practically start?
Having made the decision for separation into the full time ministry; he ministered as an itinerant evangelist, visiting the various churches in Egypt. This was under the auspices of the church of Christ under the direction of Rev. Samy Labib.
He immigrated in 1987 along with his family to the USA where they settled in Staten Island, NY and from there he went under the leading of the Holy Spirit to the State of Rhode Island to register at the ZION BIBLE INSTITUTE Bible College, after which he returned once more to Staten Island, NY towards the end of 1990.
How did his ministry here in the USA start?
Where do you start when you have no visible source of hope? He could only launch out into an unknown journey of faith which made no sense except for the fact that it was secure only for one reason and for one reason alone and this was God’s promises and the prophetic words which God had given him. The Lord had commanded to start the Arabic Assemblies of God Church yet there were hardly any resources available or any available meeting place. He had no furniture in his apartment except for a bed, so on garbage collection day he found five chairs thrown out in front of a house. He picked them up in his car and carried them up to his apartment on the fourth floor. He also photocopied several copies of some hymn sheets and titled them “the Arabic Assemblies of God Church”.
He then invited out several of his acquaintances along with the members of his family. Five people showed up. This was the start of the first spiritual meeting of the church. Likewise on the following week he picked up five other chairs on garbage collection day. Ten people showed up at the following meeting. Interestingly he needed a pulpit to preach from, so surprisingly after some prayer he found a pulpit with a cross on the front of it thrown out beside the garbage containers, and that indeed was a very strange and wonderful thing to happen. From here the church was started. As the numbers of the church attendance increased the church was then moved to a rented church building. Its inauguration took place with a wonderful meeting at which time Rev. Nabil was ordained with A/G as its pastor.
Owning a Church Building
At the New Year’s Eve celebration service on December 1991; the Lord gave Pastor Nabil a vision which he also confirmed to his wife. He showed him that He will miraculously provide a church in three years time, a church located near a bridge and that he was to publicly announce that from the pulpit. It was obviously very difficult for him to do so and so was the effect upon his hearers. Yet to make a long story short the Lord in His grace miraculously fulfilled His word, and in 1994 the Lord gave them a church in the city of Bayonne, located beside a bridge and in exactly in three years time.
Spiritual Conference Center
Through a strange experience and similar to the previous one, in 1996, the Lord enabled the ministry to purchase a sixty acres camp grounds property in New York State and was named The Holy Spirit Mountain.
Then the Lord provided the ministry in 2004 with three buildings in Elizabeth, NJ and the church was then moved from the city of Bayonne to the city of Elizabeth New Jersey, USA.
The Holy Spirit University
In the same year of 2004 the Lord again graciously fulfilled the vision of the Holy Spirit University (HSU), a fully accredited spiritual and Christian University registered in the State of Florida which has since offered a large number of students the opportunity of studying and graduating from it to serve as ministers and pastors serving the Lord in various capacities. The online studies in the HSU make it possible to everyone from all over the world to be connected. (Please refer to the Holy Spirit University Link) www.hsuniversity.us
Church Planting
The Lord granted the ministry in 1994 the joy of travailing and birthing the Arabic Assemblies of God Church in Toronto, Canada and in the same year Pastor Nabil contributed in the planting of another church, the Arabic Assemblies of God Church in Melbourne, Australia. Then in the year 2000 the ministry expanded to have an outreach and teaching center with a publishing center in Cairo, Egypt. In the same year the ministry labored and travailed and gave birth to another church in Manchester, England. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.. Thou shalt see greater things than these.. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former.. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that I have given unto you… (1Sam 7:12) (John 1:50) (Hagg 2:9) (Josh 1:3)
Al Kalema TV
Al Kalema TV is an Arabic Christian Television Network. Al Kalema TV is an Arabic Name which means “The Word TV”. To bring the Church on Air, and establish a Network of Satellite Churches all over the world. Using the power of media, the power of the local Church, the power of the Word, and the power of the prayer to plant satellite churches in every place that the sole of our feet tread upon.

Comes actually from God’s word and in facts it is not set up by a person but by God himself through his inspired word. For instance, the singing of psalms and the praising are all taken from the book of Psalms. Also the ways of worshipping are all the Apostle’s ways. Now let’s answer some of the questions that hits the mind of some people so that you may enjoy the true worshipping that is full of warmth due to God’s presence and his power to change, To deliver and to heal during our prayer meetings.
This subject is presented here under the form of questions and answers as follows:
1. Why are we praising God through singing of psalms during our spiritual meetings?
Because the Holy Bible is commanding us by saying: “Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery, instead be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord” ( colossians 3:16)
2. Why are we using different kinds of musical instruments during worshipping?
God loves it and rejoice while we’re using musical instruments during singing praising and worshiping. If God of the Old Testament loves it back then he might as well loves it now after salvation and commands us to use musical instruments to praise him. In the book of Revelations we read about the musicians and singers in Heavens. “Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet praise him with the harp and lyre praise him with tambourine and dancing praise him with the strings and flute praise him with the clash of cymbals praise with resounding cymbals let everything that has breath praise the Lord ” (psalms 150:3-6)
David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps and on psalteries and in timbrels and in cornets and in cymbals And David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was girded with a linen ephod (2 Samuel 6:5-14) “I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps and they sung as it were a new song before the throne” To rejoice in the Lord and before the lord is the peak of humility and submission to his presence. Listen to what King David said to his wife Michal when she saw him dancing before the Lord with shouts and the sound of musicians “I will play before the Lord I will become even more undignified than this and I will be humiliated in my own eyes” (2 Samuel 6:21-22)
3. Why do we raise our hands during worshipping?
Because the Scriptures is teaching us to worship God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24) “Let my prayer be set forth before you as incense and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice” (Psalms 141:2) “Thus will I bless thee while I live I will lift up my hands in thy name” (Psalms 63:4) “I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer without anger or disputing” (1 Timothy 2:8) Check also (1 Kings 8:22; Luke 24:50)
4. Why do we clap by hands during singing to the Lord?
Because God has commanded us to do so as it glorifies him lifts him up and exalts him and this is one of the main goals in worshiping God. “Clap your hands all you nations shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord most High the great King over all the earth” (Ps 55:12) “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all the earth make a loud noise and rejoice and sing praise let the rivers clap their hands let the mountains sing together for joy” (Ps 98:4-8)
5. Why we do pray out loud as a church?
The church during the time of the Apostles used to lift up voices in their prayers to God in one accord. “And when they heard that they lifted up their voice to God with one accord and said Lord thou art God which hast made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them” (Acts 4:24)
6. Why do we pray over sick people and lay hands on them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord?
“And these signs shall follow them that believe. they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” (Mark16:17-18) “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up” (James 5;14-15)
7. Why do we collect tithe and offers during our spiritual meetings?
Because this is how we express our thanks and our worship to the Lord. Also giving the tithes to our local church to which we belong and from which we are spiritually fed is an essential matter to acquire material and spiritual blessings from the Lord otherwise we’re getting curses as we are robbing God and his works (Malachi 3:7-12; Matthiew 23:23)
(Malachi 3:10) “Bring the whole tithe unto the storehouse that there may be food in my house, test me in this says the Lord Almighty and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it”
(1Corinth 16:1-2) “Now about the collection for God’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income saving it up so that when I come no collections will have to be made.